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Intelligent maintenance with servo systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used effectively in drive systems to make predictive maintenance decisions. These are based on large data sets that are collected and processed in real time in the servo motors and amplifiers. This optimises production and availability by making accurate predictions about the condition of the equipment and maintaining it at the right time.

Maintenance is most effective when it is proactive and predictive, when it is really needed. With AI, companies are able to optimise their maintenance decisions based on sound forecasting models, real-time data and asset trends.

When it comes to servo system maintenance, such a maintenance strategy offers decisive advantages. Because while servo motors and amplifiers are generally very durable, the mechanical parts associated with them require regular maintenance. 

By replacing parts based on their actual condition, companies avoid replacing parts that show little sign of wear. If the opposite is the case and parts are more worn than expected, predictive maintenance can even prevent costly downtime and damage to machinery.

Predictive maintenance of servo applications

With a condition-based maintenance strategy, it is possible to monitor virtually all mechanical systems and components in real time.  Integrated sensors on servo drives and motors provide a precise overview of the condition of the internal components. In addition, mechanical components connected to the drives, such as ball screws, belts and gears, which are more susceptible and therefore need to be repaired or replaced more often, are also monitored.

By transmitting this information to the AI-based prediction models integrated in the servo amplifier, it is possible to identify anomalies in the servo systems and detect potential problems at an early stage. With the help of these actionable insights, signs of wear are corrected at exactly the right time - before failures occur, but only when necessary. 

In order to successfully implement this maintenance approach, large amounts of device-specific data from servo drives must be available and fed into the AI simulations. These determine the quality of the model, i.e. its accuracy, sensitivity and precision. However, it is often difficult for individual users to generate and collect the required information. Companies therefore benefit enormously from the decades of (data-driven) experience of an automation provider. 

Data analysis since 1987

In 1987, Mitsubishi Electric introduced its first fully digital servo amplifier. Since then, the company has been collecting operational data with and about its servos and their peripherals. This information forms the basis for an in-depth understanding of all the mechanical systems driven by its motors. 

Using this comprehensive data store, Mitsubishi Electric developed an advanced diagnostic tool for predictive maintenance of its latest MELSERVO MR-J5 series servo motors and amplifiers. This solution uses the company's proprietary deep-learning AI technology Maisart® (Mitsubishi Electric's AI creates the State-of-the-ART in Technology), for example, to detect wear on mechanical components before maintenance is required.

This predictive maintenance concept is based on 'Deep Reinforcement Learning'. This is an AI application that automatically processes data and thus learns to recognise patterns and anomalies on its own. Users can thus implement an intelligent setup in a very short time without having to have advanced knowledge in programming or machine learning.

Above all, however, the knowledge is oriented towards the individual system in which the servos are used. Different applications all have their own optimal system condition. The AI determines the ideal operating parameters and  conditions, as well as any behaviour that should be considered an anomaly. 

These capabilities are complemented by CC-Link IE TSN network technology with gigabit bandwidth and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) functionalities. This enables the servo drives to transmit large amounts of data for time-critical control tasks as well as less volatile AI analysis information promptly and without delays.

Versatile servos for optimised production processes

However, the MELSERVO MR-J5 servos do not only optimise maintenance activities. They are also designed to maximise productivity and energy efficiency in a wide range of applications. For example, they include a portfolio of fast, extremely powerful motors with minimal size that can reach a maximum speed of 6,700 rpm. The product range also includes compact servo amplifiers with a speed/frequency response of 3.5 kHz and communication cycles of 31.25 μs. 

To save energy, the MR-J5D amplifier is also equipped with a regenerative unit. This reduces the power consumption and environmental impact of servo-based applications. 

Combining innovative maintenance, performance and efficiency, Mitsubishi Electric's latest servo systems optimise key production processes. They also minimise downtime and improve productivity.

By combining cutting-edge data science, such as artificial intelligence, with powerful and efficient components, companies can significantly increase their productivity. Among other things, condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance improve plant availability. Mitsubishi Electric developed its latest servo systems based on these approaches. With them, the company wants to help its customers minimise downtime and significantly increase their productivity at the same time.


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Im Schörli 5
CH-8600 Dübendorf